Brand Content Marketing Should Include Executives

Brand Content Marketing Should Include Executives

Since brands are now using content marketing as a normal, legitimate and consistent part of their digital marketing components, thought leadership from the executive level is becoming an area that needs focus. From the CEO down, organizations are beginning to...
Marketing Industry – Can We Get Real?

Marketing Industry – Can We Get Real?

Just about once a year, though I try to hold back, I end up writing a piece on the marketing industry. Let’s call it what it is, it’s a rant. And the time has come for this annual event. I would like to warn you that if you are a marketer who plays on...
Is Data Driving Your Marketing Decisions?

Is Data Driving Your Marketing Decisions?

How are you managing marketing data? Is marketing data driving your decisions? These are some of the most important digital transformation questions that small and large businesses alike need to be asking themselves right now. Without having access to marketing data,...
Brand Content Marketing Growth Requirement Just Doubled

Brand Content Marketing Growth Requirement Just Doubled

Imagine if your business had competitors that doubled every two years. Not the size of your existing industry competition, but the total number of competitors within your space. Could you imagine the impact that would have on your brand, your marketing and the sheer...