by fondalo | Jan 11, 2021
There seems to be a lot of confusion on what’s going on with technology, censorship, and big tech companies and how people, platforms, and apps can get around the unprecedented situation that we find ourselves in at the moment. So I wanted to take a moment to write a...
by fondalo | Oct 23, 2019
Business to business brands have always had slightly more challenging digital obstacles than that of their retail counterparts. As the B2B market has matured online, these challenges have combined with scaled expectations from their buyers and brands need to be aware...
by fondalo | Aug 24, 2016
If you were to ask almost anyone that is not in marketing what they thought about the ads that are forced upon them online, many would indicate they detest them. But most of us tend to just drudge through the annoying popups, screen takeovers and in feed ads that are...
by fondalo | Aug 17, 2016
As the speed with which digital marketing changes continue to increase, business and marketing executives are forced to continually evaluate the effectiveness of their efforts. The importance of understanding the technologies, platforms and content being used is a...