by fondalo | Aug 24, 2016
If you were to ask almost anyone that is not in marketing what they thought about the ads that are forced upon them online, many would indicate they detest them. But most of us tend to just drudge through the annoying popups, screen takeovers and in feed ads that are...
by fondalo | Aug 17, 2016
As the speed with which digital marketing changes continue to increase, business and marketing executives are forced to continually evaluate the effectiveness of their efforts. The importance of understanding the technologies, platforms and content being used is a...
by fondalo | Jul 20, 2016
Digital transformation could be killing or will eventually kill your company if you fail to accept and adopt it. This fact is well supported over the last decade as many businesses failed to see the changes that the digital age were making within their industries and...
by fondalo | Jul 13, 2016
How are you managing marketing data? Is marketing data driving your decisions? These are some of the most important digital transformation questions that small and large businesses alike need to be asking themselves right now. Without having access to marketing data,...